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The 2012 Doggies on the Catwalk has strutted over to May 18th and has undergone a major fashion make-over. There's a new venue we're so excited about, Room & Board in West Midtown, and to elevate & inspire our sense of fashion, the fabulously chic & hip  Tootsies and Bill Hallman will be dressing all the celebrities in the show. Monica Pearson, Jenn Hobby and Cynthia Bailey are just three of the gorgeous models, 15 in all, who'll be gracing the catwalk. And once again, Vikki Locke returns to emcee.

That's not all! The lucky doggies are getting a fashion upgrade too, with canine couture by Dixie Dog. *[ One thing that hasn't changed -please remember- is that the ONLY dogs permitted on the premises are the ones in the show!

There is so much more to tell, but I will leave those surprises for a later date. For now, please save-the-date for the 5th Annual Doggies on the Catwalk, May 18, 2012.

Without these incredible new & returning sponsors, Doggies on the Catwalk would not happen, so a HUGE thank you goes to: Room & Board, Eventologie, Meg Reggie PR, Eldesign, The Bailey Agency, Tootsies, Bill Hallman, Dixie Dog, Carter Barnes, Piedmont Bark, Voli Vodka, Kevin Bryant and Tomas Espinoza. Can I get a woof woof up in here!

