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Get your Quarterly Box from Nina Garcia...


Coco's Quartely


Nina Garcia's Quartely

Quarterly subscription boxes offer fans a way to connect beyond social media and get a personal look into the lives of celebrities and trendsetters who inspire and excite them most. We enable influencers to engage in a more meaningful way with their audiences and, within each shipment, our subscribers receive a blend of original, exclusive and consumer items they are sure to love.

Mitch Lowe

In other words,


allows you to be as fabulous as the celebrities you love by reading what they're reading or wearing the same brand lipstick they do.

Mitch Lowe

, who you probably know from


, is Quarterly's CEO and along with founder 

Zach Frechette,


 are dedicated to establishing greater and deeper connections between fans and celebs. It's pretty cool if you ask me. There are about 50 curators at the moment,

check them out

. Choose one or more, subscribe, and every quarter you'll receive something absolutely amazing, personal and unique from Quarterly,

with love from ....


