Fittings Day 1: Doggies on the Catwalk

e vincent martinez and monica pearson

Yesterday started what will be a very long week for me of fittings for Doggies on the Catwalk. Of course, I'm on the beautiful Shops Buckhead Atlanta property so that makes the day feel a little  more luxurious. The first fitting was with director of development for Canine Assistants, Grace Murphy. We went to COS where we style her in a very chic, layered dress. At 1PM I met up with Faven Ressom at Planet Blue - OMG - Faven was "built" for the brand. Everything she wore fit like a glove. Gorgeous.

After being stopped by security for filming - we got it all sorted out - I had prior approval, we went into Les Copains to wait for Monica Pearson (and cool off!) Monica entered the room and Les Copains lit up with her amazing energy. She loved the brand and loved her looks. We caught all of fit on video for a documentary I am producing about Doggies on the Catwalk.

The last fitting of the day took me back to Planet Blue, this time with my friend Holly Firfer. We determined her personal style leans towards the Boho chic. We played in the dressing room. A lot.

Today I'll spend all afternoon between Alice + Olivia, Akris, Theory and Les Copains. Yay fashion!

Hurry and get your tickets to the show! Your $50 ticket includes signature cocktails, lite bites, a silent auction, DJ and fashion show. BUT most importantly, it helps children and adults with disabilities by providing them service dogs.
