You're Invited to the 'Back From The Stars' Holiday Soiree at UNOde50

UNOde50 holiday doggies on the catwalk event fashionado

UNOde50 is #BackFromTheStars and ready to sparkle some holiday cheer…

Please join UNOde50, unique handmade jewelry brand from Spain, as they celebrate the season of giving. Discover their Back From The Stars collection and shop for a cause as they donate 10% of all shopping proceeds to the Doggies on the Catwalk Foundation (DotC)! This is an exclusive event hosted by fashionado’s / DotC’s E. Vincent Martinez, Veronica Flam of Veronica Flam Interiors and Rich Valladares. Enjoy sips, bites, and holiday cheer.

UNOde50, a Spanish jewelry brand, was founded in the late 90’s with a design concept that offered a different point of view. One that was exclusive, unique and limitless. The brand set out to unveil a revolution in which the techniques and processes of traditional jewelry-making would be used in the name of creativity.

Today, UNOde50 is present in over 42 countries with more than 100 stores in main cities around the world, including: Toronto, Madrid, Rome, Milan, Berlin, New York, Miami, Tokyo, Moscow and Paris, keeping its philosophy of exclusiveness through a highly crafted production process.
