Cheat on your Diet and Still Stay Fit with Celebrity Trainer Craig Ramsay

So how's that New Year, New You, gonna get fit, lose weight, bring sexy-back New Year's Resolution going for ya?? I thought so. Same here. But don't fret because celebrity fitness trainer, Craig Ramsay is here to rescue us.

Bad habits can be difficult to break and when a diet slip up happens it tends to send us on a downward spiral of fast food and shame. Craig Ramsay, can rescue your New Year resolutions and restore your faith in health and fitness with his unique Eat it & Burn it online series on U LiveCraig will guide you through specific workouts that will reverse the damage done by a diet fail. To motivate you to follow through with your fitness goals, Craig offers specific routines to work off favorite treats including, nachos, french fries and even pizza (because we can't always be perfect.) 

Take a look at this clip of Craig suggesting a few exercises to burn off a plate of nachos:

Well there you go... Now you can have your cake and eat it too thanks to Craig Ramsay! Happy fitness.


Brandon Liberati’s 5 #SELFIE Holiday Beauty Tips

Brandon Liberati’s 5 #SELFIE Holiday Beauty Tips

'Tis the snapshot season to be camera-ready, so make sure the selfies you give your friends are the most fa-la-la- la-fabulous they've opened this holiday by following these few tips!! So when celebrity make-up guru (and overall hottie) Brandon Liberati offers beauty advice, you take it!

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