Winter meets Summer with the Cran Festive Margarita

Happy New Year! Now let's celebrate with a drink.

I shake it up for Loft 906 with a Summertime cocktail favorite that we modified, tweaked and garnished for Winter enjoyment.

Cranberries in your Margarita... who would have thought so?! Well, we did... and in our video below, we show you how to make the delicious "Cran Festive" Margarita. It's easy, totally lives up to its name and is oh-so-good.


DIY Jelly Jar Ornaments

loft 906

What do you get when you partner up a photographer, lifestyle expert and a blogger? LOFT 906! Photographer Tomas Espinoza, lifestyle expert Kimberly Lacy and yours truly have joined forces to bring you our favorite things from the worlds of crafting, cuisine and couture. 

Are you looking for fun, easy yet impressive holiday projects the whole family can enjoy? Pull the kids away from their electronics and have fun with Kimberly as she shows us how to make fabulous DIY Christmas ornaments. 

Make sure and *subscribe* to our channel AND check in later today when LOFT 906 gets glittered!!
