London Tube Commuters are Greeted with Colorless Figures

london tube commuters

Earlier this year, Tube commuters in London were greeted by the strange sight of a group of 'colorless' passengers, as they set off to work in white Morphsuits and white, nondescript clothing.

The slightly creepy sight of a group of people dressed head-to-toe in white morphsuits was part of a study which suggests people in the city are shying away from using bright colors in their everyday lives.

london tube commuters

The stunt was arranged by Dulux, who claim Brits have been ditching bright colors for sand, grey and black since the 1990s.

A study found color is draining out of all elements of life from fashion and beauty, to technology, architecture and interiors.

london commuters

The pictures depict a colorless future in London, with commuters donning all white to show no individual personality.

The faceless commuters are seen flagging down a bus, while bland city workers are snapped leaving tower blocks.

Marianne Shillingford, Dulux creative director said: "We add more color when we are off duty as a celebration of freedom and an expression of individuality.


Red Bull Illuminates Piedmont Park with International Exhibit

Red Bull Illuminates

It's not everyday two men jump out of an Air Force plane and skydive into Piedmont Park, but then, it's not everyday Atlanta hosts an international exhibit of public art installation featuring action sports photography.

Red Bull Illume made last night epic in the city. Their traveling exhibit is very impressive and super exciting. Red Bull Illume is free and open to the public nightly until March 30th. Do not miss this truly amazing event. Take a look at some of the lightbox photos:


Opening night was a huge success. Thousands, gathered for the unveiling, viewing and performances, like skateboarders in action! There was music, drinks and food. The energy that Red Bull Illume brought to Atlanta made me proud to call this city my home. 
