Hilton Hollis at Tootsies

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He's handsome, talented and knows how to design for women and that my lady friends is what you're gonna really love about fashion designer

Hilton Hollis.

You can find his designs all over the USA but in Atlanta, the Hilton Hollis label is exclusive to


located at the

Shops Around Lenox

. I had the pleasure of monopolizing nearly ninety minutes of Hilton during his two-day Trunk Show at Tootsies. [So I can tell you first hand that he is an amazing and gifted designer.] His aesthetic is clean and modern. His approach, innovative wearability. What does this mean for you? Fabulous clothes that are on trend and fit beautifully. Hilton's sensibility with textiles is rich. He uses bold colors in combination with sumptuous textures like soft leathers, chiffon, velvets and crepe satins. As a designer, Hilton naturally stays current, which in turn, which keeps you always looking fresh. But the Hilton Hollis woman is more than that... she stands out [in a great way!] The secret may lie in the impeccable construction and attention to detail. Creative and intelligent patterning, darts and seams in strategic places, like the waist, hips and thigh areas work with every body type to flatter, enhance or even subdue. One thing is certain, you will turn heads when when wearing Hilton Hollis.






