Hood By Air Spring 2017 NYFW

The only thing I love more than couture or an impeccably cut suit, is the expression of ideas on the runway. Hood By Air gave us porn, art and the white collar executive in a gender-bending deconstructivist element. Custom boots by The Frye Company.


PHOTOS: Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2015

The annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show aired last night on CBS... or as I like to call it, the Victoria's Secret soft-porn fashion show, which wouldn't be too far of a stretch considering when the company first launched, select stores came with an adult toy section, hence, Victoria's "secret."

While I don't care much for the underwear line, I do love and appreciate the extravagant wings, costuming and accessories, all the feathers, bling, shoes and the overall themes. And the fact they opened to show with Pat Benatar's Heartbreaker scored big points [with me]. Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner were crowd pleasers of course. They looked fabulous. I believe it was Victoria's Secret president who said the show has become more than a fashion show, it's entertainment. Enjoy the slideshow!
