“Trianon” - Inspired by the gardens of Versailles, back in the days of the magnificent sumptuous feasts celebrated by the king, Stefan Djokovich introduces us to a haute couture collection where each look has been designed as a surprise, like a walk that would invite us to discover the multi-faceted world of the royal gardens.

Stefan Djokovic delivers for this collection a palette of delicate fabrics : Silk(muslin, duchess satin silk, lame) organza and embroidery on tulle. The palette mimics colors of the night: black with silver, gunmetal silver, dark metallic blue and the transition to light blue, light blue and pink, light pink, old gold, to finish with a royal wedding dress. 

The cuts are mostly corseted dresses, full length ball gowns, ruffles, feathers, embroidery with floral and nature inspired details, fitted fully embroidered dresses. The handmade silk roses and branches with silver foil details and crystal details were done in the Serbian atelier of Stefan Djokovic .  The light pink feather dress is made with 3000 handmade feathers, stitched one by one, in order to create the flowing movement.

Trianon is a journey into a small world, made of groves, fountains, columns and statues. It is the light of the Sun King radiating a thousand lights from ballets and songs, with the sole purpose of the beauty of art.