Miley Cyrus on SNL TONIGHT

miley cyrus snl

Miley Cyrus is double-dipping tonight as she hosts and performs on the season premiere of Saturday Night Live! It's always a good time when Miley's on SNL and I'm sure tonight will be a blast. Tune into SNL at 11:30PM. Below is a fun chart of Miley factoids from photos to her tremendous Twitter following to her famous lovers.

Data is curated by and sourced from Gracenote and Twitter.


The Best Red Carpets of the Year 2014

2014 was a good red carpet year. These lovely ladies enjoyed show-stopping moments and while some of them made worst-dressed lists, they all left a memorable impression. We saw an abundance of glamour, we love that, but we also loved it when the more daring, A-list fashionistas pushed the envelope and challenged the norm. From short rompers to flowing gowns, they brought it.
