Roberto Cavalli Fall 2021 Menswear

Roberto Cavalli Fall 2021 Menswear and featuring Daniela Santiago (center) the star of HBO Max Series, Veneno about a trans icon in 90’s Spain.

Roberto Cavalli Fall 2021 Menswear and featuring Daniela Santiago (center) the star of HBO Max Series, Veneno about a trans icon in 90’s Spain.

“It’s a brand connected to Italian eccentricity… one with such a glorious energy from the past, but at the same time I’m thinking about the days we are living and thinking about how the future can be.” Fausto Puglisi.

The 2021 collection has all the glamour and sex we know and love from Roberto Cavalli. And let’s not forget the animal prints, lots of them. While there are plenty of stepping out, party looks which gives an optimistic hope for the future in a post-covid world, there are also (very) elevated loungy looks. If you’re going to stay home or dine out, you still need to look stylish.